Train Trip WIth Dad

Train Trip WIth Dad

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 8 - Taiga, Taiga, burning bright

The sun finally crept beneath the covers at midnight, and we then crept beneath our own blankets.

During the night the train jolted and snaked through the foothills of the Eastern Sayan Mountains.

We awoke and ate the last edible portion of our five day old bread with liberal application of peanut butter and manuka-esque honey. Our food pile remains substantial, however, and we have yet to make a dent in the catering pack of Oreos.

We have just passed the 3932km marker (the distance from Moscow) which signifies we are halfway between Beijing and Moscow.

We take for granted that we can sweep through the countryside at 60kph on electrified tracks, though building the tracks across the swampy Taiga (frozen for Several months) and crossing several wide rivers would have been a significant undertaking in the late 1890s.

Much of this part of russia is comprised of timber forest and lignite (brown coal) mines.

Robert is making his way through his pile of books ( physical and iPod based) and one of our fellow travellers has lent him a Warriors book, about cats apparently. I have also made steady progress through several books and podcasts of BBC radio 2, 3 and 4. In Moscow we hope to upload additional episodes.

On on..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:4000 km from Moscow

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